September 7, 2009



Omoana: a new calendar for 2010-2011

How does one discover those things improbable, unexpected and complex whilst passing briefly through a land? One way we have tried to do so has been to offer our services to various associations which have access to such spaces and topics of discovery. Recently Eugénie had offered to take the photographs for the next year’s calendar for a Swiss organization called Omoana in order to learn more concerning the complicated state of children’s affairs in Uganda. For almost three weeks we spent between the villages surrounding Njeru Bukaya and the encampments surrounding Gulu in order to get a glimpse of the issues Omoana aims to assist in Uganda.

IMG_78624 Omoana (a phonetic play of the word omwana, meaning “orphan” in Buganda), was established in 2003 in hopes of helping the 2.1 million orphans Uganda is said to contain. We first visited St. Moses Children’s Community Center (school, orphanage and guardian micro-finance program) which receives great deals of funding by Omoana for 123 children’s school fees, uniforms, and books. One of the greatest problems facing all children in Uganda is the lack of acceptable free education, and this is a great cause of poverty related issues (including sex work and the rise of HIV). Next we spent time at the Omoana house and surrounding village homes. This was a base in partnership with St. Francis Medical Clinic in Njeru to house, feed, care for, teach, enliven, and train in self-care, groups of children suffering from HIV/AIDS. The anti-retroviral medicines are free in Uganda, but many children with HIV in Uganda contracted the virus from their parents who may not be capable of giving adequate care for their children. Also, the nutritional needs of children on ART are far greater than those who are not, and the lack of proper nutrition is the greatest concern facing these youths. Finally we spent a week in the regions north of Gulu visiting displaced children who were receiving school and minor subsistence funding from Omoana via the African Child Outreach Trust.

To support Omoana in their purpose and to discover many more of Eugénie’s photos, feel free to purchase a calendar (due out by November) or donate on the organizations website at :


Omoana : un nouveau calendrier pour l’année 2010 - 2011

Comment être amené à découvrir des zones improbables tout en rencontrant des populations peu accessibles pour le voyageur lambda ? Voilà la question qui motive la plupart de mes voyages.

En Ouganda j’ai trouvé la réponse qui m’a permis de passer quelques semaines dans deux villes passionnantes, Jinja et Gulu, que je n’aurai IMG_89522jamais pu découvrir seule de la sorte. Je suis ainsi allée découvrir le travail de l’association suisse Omoana qui m’a demandé de réaliser les clichés de son prochain calendrier 2010–2011. Omoana signifie «enfant» en luganda. L’organisation fondée en 2003 vient en aide à quelques uns des 2,1 millions d’orphelins (selon l’association) que compte le pays. Même si en théorie l’éducation publique est gratuite dans le pays, elle atteint de tels niveaux d’inefficacité que seul le privé peut offrir une éducation digne de ce nom. En prenant en charge leurs frais de scolarité, Omoana contribue à l’éducation de 123 orphelins ougandais. La maison Omoana située à Jinja, à l’Est du pays accueille et soigne de jeunes enfants séropositifs souvent récupérés au bord du précipice.

Pendant plusieurs semaines, entre Jinja et Gulu, j’ai été amenée à documenter le quotidien d’enfants qui jours après jours reprennent vie entre la maison Omoana pleine de chaleur et un orphelinat hébergeant quelques uns des enfants.

Pour soutenir l’association et découvrir mes clichés, n’hésitez pas à acheter (à partir du mois de novembre) le calendrier en vous adressant à l’association Omoana :
